Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Opportunity: advancinggreenchemistry.org/green-chem-101/for-business/

This website write up on "Advancing Green Chemistry" through business practices is where we have the most leverage for making an impact. The write up says: "Companies that think strategically about the molecular nature of their products and processes are emerging as market leaders." 
This is a good point. And with the new Farm Bill for 2019 that was recently signed by the President, we have industrial hemp being given a greenlight. This is huge for a number of industries and significant for others. Not to mention for both nutrition and medicine. 
The book Green to Gold that I read about 10 years ago was important orientation for me along this path of knowledge. So was the book Cradle to Cradle.

In 2019 we are definitely seeing some important lawsuits that are significantly influencing the cause of green chemistry in the right direction. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, good points. Commenting on the greenlight for industrial hemp, the whole hemp and cannabis industry is quickly mobilizing to standardize processes in the effort to legitimize the industry to investors and not run afoul of the FDA and get their products yanked off store shelves.
    Great article on this over at CNBC:

